Trying to Quit? We Can Help!
Find the method that is right for you, from group classes to text message programs.
In-Person QuitSmoking Classes in Santa Cruz County

Freedom from Smoking Class
8-week smoking cessation class with a supportive group atmosphere, run by Dominican Hospital respiratory therapists
call (831) 457-7099 or see course online
One-time $85 fee, No fee for Medi-Cal recipients.
One-on One Local Phone Counseling
(831) 458-1273
One-on-One Quit Counseling Over the Phone
Text Message
Live Chats
Other Resources
Thriving Youth and Community (TYC) is a vaping and cannabis prevention program for Santa Cruz City Schools middle and high school age students. It includes three service pathways depending on need: prevention, intervention, and cessation. More informaiton here. This is a FREE program and all services are confidential.
Breathe Califronia is offering FREE tobacco cessation training services for organizations in Santa Cruz County. There are two options. One is an intensive, 12-15 hour training to prepare staff to facilitate a 6-week smoking cessation program. There is also a 3-4 hour introductory training to introduce participants to evidence-based assessments and referral programs for tobacco, vaping, or marijuana cessation. For more informaiton, contact Sheila Phan at or (408) 998-5865. Breath California can also provide vaping/flavors presentations to middle and high school students.
Spanish Language Resources
Servicios gratuitos y ayuda para las personas que intentan dejar de fuma o vapear